Wednesday, November 30, 2011

the guessing game

So here it is. 
Our Little chart documenting everyone's predictions in 3 different
categories, and the last two columns for girl and boy name suggestions.
In the category of birth date, EVERYONE has lost 
except maybe my own mother who predicts the baby will be born TODAY. 
MOM, could you be the winner?
At least we can say she comes the closest to being right 
(and who knows! there ARE still 7 hours left before the 30th is over).
As for the weight and sex, we'll just have to wait and see.
Thanks to Alisia for creating this AND to everyone who participated.
The name suggestions were especially entertaining ;)

Really hoping for tomorrow to be the big day. December 1st sounds like such a 
nice birthday, no? Plus, its Christian's half birthday!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

song of the day

Mates of State, 
one of my favourite bands has a song featured on NPR's song of the day. 
Its called "Palomino" from the album Mountaintops
Its really really happy.
Listen to it here

In other news, 
Little is now 40 weeks and 5 days! Doing very well in there. 
Maybe too well since he/she doesn't want to come out!
hangin' in there, 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

...stiiiillllll waiting....

Pizza in the belly... Little in the belly 
Three days past my due date. 
On average, first babies are born 1 week and 3 days past the due date.
This means I could still have 1 more week left. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today being the official due date AND my favourite American holiday, I thought it would be 
perfect for our Little to arrive. I woke up with expectations. 
I knew I needed something to keep me busy, so I spent the day cooking and baking. 
Being that there's only 2 more hours left before the day is officially over, I guess its safe to say that today is NOT the day. It's okay.
I had delicious dinner with a very special person
 and I was VERY grateful for that. 
I miss you Mom, Dad, Max, Kurt, Adie, Rob, and Owen. 
I hope you all had a great holiday!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

first snow

Since Monday, we've been saying that today (wednesday) IS the day.
Last night Christian mentioned that our Little might be sensitive
to the weather and is waiting for the first snow.
Lo and behold the first snow falls on this day!
Seriously, we had no idea there was snow forecasted for today.
Hopefully our intuition and this sign of snow are right on.
Cause I'm ready.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

still pregnant!

Here we are at the end, just about to approach the beginning of our next chapter....
As you can see, I'm still pregnant, but I'll make sure to keep you all updated through this 
new blog of mine. 

anxiously waiting,