Sunday, January 29, 2012


Almost everyday we go out somewhere new
 for a café au lait...
sometimes accompanied by SWEET treats :)

and our Little Eloise is always an angel...NOT!
actually, she usually falls asleep during the walk there and doesn't 
wake up until we are home.
Except for today...
we had to quickly duck out with our crying baby.
Its okay. We were finished anyways.


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Try taking a walk on that ice!
We did today and it was pretty awful.
We're getting some warmer days here which is nice
but the sidewalks are completely awful.
It's not a good sign when your sick of winter and you haven't even 
made it to the half way mark.
At least there is something to look forward to.
Panama in March with the family!
I can't wait.


Friday, January 27, 2012

that face

This picture makes me melt.
She is changing a lot these days.
Her awareness and strength are rapidly evolving.
She is starting to communicate with different cries for different things, 
and we have also noticed she cries less.
This morning we woke up and couldn't remember if yesterday she cried AT ALL.
Maybe its a sign that Christian and I are also getting better
at knowing what she likes and needs. 
Its funny how particular such a small person can be!
She is such a good baby, we feel so lucky.
and she smiles.....A LOT!


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

she ROLLS over!!!!!!!

As you can imagine, its really hard
to get photos of this moment.
She rolls from her tummy to her back. 
We've only seen one side so far but we are very proud.


Monday, January 23, 2012

big sis in town...

"thanks Grandma Judy for my cool book!"

"i love it!"

baby at brunch 

Aunt Adie loves all the things that
we can dress Eloise up in!

Adie successfully poached her first egg (actually 6 eggs to be exact).
we made two recipes from our new favorite cookbook called PLENTY.
the lentil dish was okay but the rice egg dish was AMAZING.

Another Aunt Adie outfit. 
So fun to see Eloise in clothes other then her usually one piece pj's!

my new favorite shirt

she is getting so strong fast! the days of leaving her on the 
changing table alone are over.
she's gonna roll over on her own any day now.....


Thursday, January 19, 2012

first time...

FIRST TIME reading a book.
she really enjoyed it
and i was pretty impressed by her attention span.
thanks for the awesome book Alisia!


FIRST TIME in the baby carrier.
it was so much more fun for her 
to walk around looking at things and hearing our voices.
thanks for lending us the carrier Adie and Rob!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

the Little techy

"Jeez! this really isn't going well. 
how am I supposed to fix this? 
maybe my furrowed brow is strong enough to solve it..."

hmmmm...I think I'm getting hungry

what is that you said? you think i can fix this how?

ah ha! your right, its working! 

"ugh. that was exhausting. i need a nap."

awake and refreshed from my nap and looking


pretty profile

Saturday, January 14, 2012

heads up

"hey, i'm ready for tummy time!"

look to the left

look to the right

"ok, thats enough, i'm finished with tummy time! screeeeaaammmm!!"

Thursday, January 12, 2012

just another day of the week

good morning

amazing Greek restaurant 

lentil soup

calamari with the best steamed vegetables EVER

but where is the baby?

Of course she is with us at Philinos!
She was an angel. Slept through the whole dinner. 


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

she's growing fast

"i love everything about bath time except for the coming out part. 
i always scream when its over."

everybody look at the camera!

i don't think she has enough toys surrounding her,
do you?

favorite place to fall asleep

holds her head up pretty well these days

going for a walk everyday,
we are not afraid of winter!

growing so fast is hard work

some colourful lights by the changing table 
to help distract her from her dreaded diaper changes.
Do you see it working? its helping.
